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My Plans for Philly Beer Week 2010

As you may, or may not, know I am heading up to Philadelphia tomorrow for 10 days of a well needed vacation.  I get to visit family and friends alike but the main reasoning behind the period of time I chose to go up was because of Philly Beer Week.  A week long celebration of all that is beer.  After some careful considerations I have decided on some of the events I will definitely be attending.  So those that are in Philly and planning on attending any events will know.  Also so my friends in Florida can be just a little jealous.

Friday June 4th – Opening Tap 2010
Loads of local breweries will converge at  the Independence Visitor Center in Center City to kick off the festivities.  Some of the special brews include Victory’s Summer Love Ale and Troeg’s Citra of Brotherly Love.

Saturday June 5th – International Great Beer Expo
A beer festival of massive proportions takes over the Navy Yard on the Delaware.  Over 100 different beers from over 50 brewers will be available for this epic festival that includes Cigar City, Dark Horse, Green Flash, Ballast Point and many others.

Wednesday June 9th – Meet Tomme Arther of Lost Abbey
At Monk’s Cafe this night you can meet the man behind Lost Abbey and he will be tapping a keg of the legendary Duck Duck Gooze.  Need any more be said?

Thursday June 10th – Brewmaster Lunch at Victory Brewing Company with Bill Covaleski, Sam Calagione of Dogfish Head and Greg Koch of Stone Brewing Company
Head over to Victory’s brewpub for a lunch paired up with brews from each of these amazing brewers.  Then later on in the day you can share some brews with each of them after they finish brewing the Victory version of Saison du Buff.

Now these are the ones that I am definitely doing.  I want to do the Smoke em if You Got em at Yards on June 6th but not sure I can make it as I have family plans.  Also will try to get to the meet the brewer with Patrick Rue at Monk’s on June 8th.  But if you are curious just follow me on Twitter and I will keep you all up to date.

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  • Reply Amie

    Take lots of pictures so we can be really jealous. Thanks. 🙂

    June 2, 2010 at 10:58 am
  • Reply Mike

    Oh I will.

    June 2, 2010 at 11:03 am
  • Reply chalie

    That sound like its going to be a great beer trip, plus you can not go wrong going back up to philly. Be sure to keep up posted via Twitter!

    June 2, 2010 at 4:47 pm
  • Reply Joel

    What do you mean, “a little jealous”? We’ll all be here carefully plotting your destruction 🙂

    June 3, 2010 at 2:12 am
  • Reply Jim

    Man, I’m jealous – that brewer’s lunch at Victory sounds awesome. Load up on Saison DuBUFF and all that great food there. I think I’d gain five pounds in a day!

    I hope you have a great time in the coming week – looks like it’ll be hard not to.

    June 4, 2010 at 10:34 am
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