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Steel Toe Stout

Name – Steel Toe Stout
Country – United States
Type – Milk Stout

I really like Ska’s pretty much punk rock approach to brewing.  The names, the label art and the cans just scream DIY punk.  So while out in Colorado I knew I had to bring something of theirs home with me.  I opted for an nicely named milk stout called Steel Toe.

It poured into my pint glass pretty much black but if you looked closely you saw some ruby red highlights on the edge of the glass.  I don’t recall seeing that on many milk stouts.  It had a nice sized tan head left some lacing on the glass.

I got lactose off the nose immediately.  It was followed with some hints of chocolate but it wasn’t all that dominating.

The taste mixed those previous smells into taste with the lactose and chocolate collaborating with some nice roasted dark malts.  There is a bit of alcohol present in the taste as it warms up but nothing that takes away from the creation before.  The body on it was full and creamy as you would hope from the style.

Steel Toe ended up being a very good choice.  An excellent milk stout that stands up with the style.  I would love to try it on nitro sometime if they do that.  I just feel all milk stouts should be poured from a nitrogen tap as it just adds to the true character of the beer.  Here’s to hoping I can find that next time I’m out in Colorado.

But you should definitely pick this one up if you have the chance to.  These punk rock brewers are doing some awesome stuff and like punk rock musicians they probably don’t give a crap what mainstream thinks and will keep doing what they do best.

Grade – B+

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1 Comment

  • Reply Scott-TheBrewClub

    Love the milk stouts! Doubt I’ll see it in JRZ for some time though!

    September 27, 2010 at 9:29 am
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