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Name – Saboteur
Country – United States
Type – American Wild Ale

This bottle was given to me in part of my trade with Billy from and I was just waiting for the right moment to try it.  The brew is made by Odell out of Fort Collins, Colorado and after visiting the brewery recently (and absolutely loving it) I thought there was no better time than now to crack this bad boy open.

Firstly this was one of the most difficult corks to remove I have recalled in my time with craft beer.  It took me nearly two minutes to get it out.  Every moment I was pointing it away from my face just thinking it was going to just jump out by itself.  I had that happen with a bottle of Saint Somewhere before and I felt like it was a near death experience.  But eventually after all that work it opened and luckily there was no gushing from it.

I poured it into my Bruery tulip glass and it was a very dark brown color with some deep red highlights along the edges of the glass.  The tan head stuck around for a good while and left a nice lacing on the glass as it subsided.

The nose was as you expect from many sour beers.  It had your sour apple and tart cherry smells but I also got a nice hint of brown sugar as well in there.  Almost made it smell a bit like apple cobbler.

The taste was quite acidic up from but followed by the tart cherries that you got in the nose.  There was also a very earthy like quality to it as well.  The overall finish was very dry like champagne.

I admit I knew pretty much what to expect from this as I did have it at the brewery.  That made me more anxious to open up my bottle when I got home.

Odell is a great brewery and if you have the ability to get their beers then I highly envy you.  I thank Billy for sending this awesome bottle to me.  We will have to do some more trades for their stuff in the future.  So I have to say if you can get Odell brews and you like sour beers then you must go get this one.  You will be happy you did.

Grade – A

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  • Reply Billy Broas

    Fantastic beer and brewery. When I was back east I’d heard about them but didn’t realize the all the great stuff they put out. Looks like I picked some good ones for the trade. What’s left, Belgo?

    September 23, 2010 at 5:46 pm
  • Reply Mike

    Absolutely great brewery. They were my favorite of the ones we visited out there.

    Yeah you did do a great job picking these out. I’m taking Belgo to have this weekend. A friend of mine loves Belgian IPAs so I wanted to share it with him.

    Thanks again Billy.

    September 23, 2010 at 5:51 pm
  • Reply Billy Broas

    No problem. I still haven’t had the Guava Grove but plan on doing a video review this weekend.

    Wish we coulda met up at GABF. Next time for sure.

    September 23, 2010 at 5:55 pm
  • Reply Mike

    Yeah one of our friends pretty much planned out every minute of the trip. It worked out well but didn’t leave much for improvising. We will definitely be back next year and will meet up.

    September 23, 2010 at 6:04 pm
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