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Stone 09.09.09 Vertical Epic Ale

Name – Stone 09.09.09 Vertical Epic Ale
Country – United States
Type – Belgian Strong Dark Ale

Appearance – Pours a dark brown with dark red highlights.  A nice light brown head that left some lacing on the glass.

Smell – Dark fruits are predominant with some smokey qualities to it as well.

Taste – A lot seemingly going on here.  Picking up dark fruits, roasted malts, some slight smokiness and a bit of chocolate.

I had been waiting for this for awhile as this is my first of the Stone Vertical series.  I really wish I would have been into beer earlier to collect all of them and age them to the right point for the epic vertical tasting but alas I can not.  But I did pick up a few extra bottles with the hopes of aging them and see where they are at over time.  Overall I thought it was a good beer.  Nothing absolutely amazing stood out but nothing fell flat either.  A good example of the style.

Overall Grade – B

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  • Reply Jim

    I did the same thing – I drank it right away and was a little disappointed. But you can taste its potential and I think this will be a great beer in a few years. But so far I haven’t been able to age anything. For some reason thing just don’t last that long… 🙂

    October 7, 2009 at 9:43 am
    • Reply Mike

      I haven’t tried aging something before and I know what you mean about them disappearing. I might have to use my parents house for this so I don’t have to see them. Definitely out of site, out of mind.

      October 7, 2009 at 10:15 am
  • Reply nate

    I don’t know if you saw my review or not Mike, but I kind of felt the same way as you. I thoroughly enjoyed it, but didn’t find it to be world class beer. Sometimes folks misinterpret a B rating as the reviewer saying they didn’t enjoy it…I caught a little flack from a few folks (not in the comments section) who assumed because I didn’t give it an A+ I was saying it was bad. Anyway, good review!

    October 9, 2009 at 8:31 am
  • Reply Mike

    Thanks Nate. I saw your review on it and I know some of my friends view me as a bit of a Stone fan boy but I’ll be honest when I have something that isn’t amazing.

    I know what you mean by the mark. B is still a respectable mark in my eyes. With C being average a B is still really good. If I thought it was bad it would be under a C. Don’t worry about “da hatas.” haha

    October 9, 2009 at 6:04 pm
  • Reply Scott-TheBrewClub

    Hey, they all can’t be A+ beers right? Sometimes it comes down to being between really good and great. Pretty cool concept there by Stone.

    October 9, 2009 at 8:26 pm
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