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Extreme Beer Fest: Saturday Night Session

We believed after Night of the Barrels it only made sense to do the night session of the Extreme Beer Fest Saturday night sessions.  We took the opportunity to sleep in a little bit (my buddy Brian needed it more than the rest of us) and then head to Quincy Market and walk around.  We also took the T all the way down to Boston Beer Company to do the Sam Adams tour.  But around 4:30 it was time to head over to Cyclorama again.

We were happy that Saturday in general was not nearly as cold as the day before but once that sun went down waiting in line again brought on the challenge of staying warm.  Oddly enough we were pretty much in the same exact spot in line as the night before.  We planned our course of attack once again in line and when the doors opened we tried to get to it.

This time instead of all the breweries along the walls they had some there and some in the middle.  This cut down the amount of space to just hang out and relax.  This along with there being more people for the Saturday sessions led to some big time clutter in spots.

Right away Funky Buddha and Short’s had big lines and they pretty much stayed that way the majority of the night.  We continued our plan of each person in our group getting a different beer from whatever brewery we went to in order to let us try as many as we could.  And in about 2 hours again we hit almost everything we wanted to have with maybe less than a handful of exceptions.

My top beers of the evening were as such.

  • Stone – Punishment
  • Funky Buddha – Passionfruit Berliner Weisse
  • Cigar City – Hungarian Oaked Peach IPA
  • Founders – Canadian Breakfast Stout
  • Captain Lawrence – Cuvee de Castleton

A few breweries like Heavy Seas, Evil Twin and Dark Horse didn’t receive a beer that they were each hoping for.  They seemed to have gotten lost in distribution or accidentally sent to an account.

I must say that I was also a bit disappointed in some of the Dogfish Head offerings.  While I initially had no intention on trying Dirty Fermentini, I don’t like olives and the idea of them pureed and put in beer sounds disgusting to me, I ended up having it after a friend told me it didn’t taste like anything.  After sipping it I had to agree.  It was rather watery and didn’t really taste much other than some sweetness.  Then Positive Contact, which was a beer that I really did want to try sort of came up flat as well.  Just didn’t really get any of the ingredients that it was said to have.

But again it was a great night of great beers.  We were happy to see our friends at Funky Buddha be so well received and numerous posts on sites all over and Twitter seemed to say they stole the show for the whole weekend.  They even got some major props from Tomme Arthur of Lost Abbey and Sam from Dogfish (all be it completely spelled their name wrong).  We are proud to say we have a great brewery in South Florida.

As I said yesterday this is absolutely a fest that every beer geek must do at least once.  Take friends with you as it is even more enjoyable than it already is when you can take in the great times with those that you love being around.

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