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New Contributor to Barcode Magazine

Almost everyday I’m amazed by how far this blog has come and the amount of people that actually read it, and actually enjoy it too.  And while lately I have seen a number of beer blogs tailing off from what they were doing a couple years ago I feel great that after 3 years of doing this I’m still going pretty strong.  And I never though that in all these years that my writings would be anything that would be able to convert to a more wide scale audience.  But I guess things can change.

It’s with that that I’m happy to announce that as of this month I am now a contributing writer to the South Florida magazine Barcode.  I will be doing a beer of the month article in each monthly issue that comes out.  It all starts this month with the October issue.  It should be out on press this week I’m told and will be free of charge.  You’ll be able to find it at many establishments throughout South Florida.  You will also be able to read a digital copy straight from their website.

So right from the start I want to thank Nicole Danna for giving me this opportunity and I look forward to doing these each month.  I hope you look forward to reading them.

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