Name – Narragansett Porter
Country – United States
Type – American Porter
Another weekend down. This weekend I had some friends over for a BBQ and sour beer tasting. I’ve been collecting up a number of good sour beers for this specific reason. Although a few friends couldn’t make it we had a good time and sampled some pretty awesome beers.
My friend Blake brought over a number of non sours, to break things up you know? He left them over so I felt I had to open up one for my Sunday. Sure enough one caught my eye that I’ve wanted to try for a little bit now.
I’ve become a fan of the straight forward Narragansett Lager over the past few months for it’s light body but full flavor. It’s price point is pretty sweet too. But when I heard we would be getting their porter I was very much looking forward to it. I needed a new sessionable porter ever since the local Anchor distributor decided to no longer carry Anchor Porter down here. But I had never gotten around to picking up the ‘Gansett one. Luckily Blake brought one by, it wasn’t drunk and I was happy to find it a good home.
I popped the tall boy can open and poured it into my pint glass. It arrives a mostly black color with some brown hues in there. A big, thick light brown head sits on top and leaves a lot of lacing on the glass.
The nose is faint but you can pick up roasted malts and hints of caramel.
The taste starts off with a surprising hop bite then goes to the roasted malts. Some hints of cocoa, caramel and vanilla in there too. Then it finishes with another hit of the hop bitterness. Medium in body.
Was caught a bit off guard by the hoppy character in there. I wasn’t expecting it at all. But it wasn’t a bad thing. Add a nice layer of something extra to the beer.
Overall I really enjoyed the beer. I was sad I only had one can. I think I may have found my replacement for Anchor Porter in the meantime. It had a lot of flavor to it but wasn’t very big in body. So that made it quite sessionable.
Grade – B-
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