I tend to come across as a liberal to a lot people. I’m very opinionated and haven’t been satisfied with the way this country is run or the decisions a lot of people of power make for quite some time. But there is one thing about me that not many may know and that is my pride in our armed forces. No I do not support the “wars” we have been involved in but I support the men and women that are over in Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries fighting despite what they may or may not think of all this.
I come from a family that has military people in it. My grandfather served proudly in the Marines in World War II after a childhood that he knew he wanted to be in the military. This including running away at a very young age to try to join the Navy. Yup it was in his blood. My cousin serves currently in the Army and is currently finishing up his second tour of Iraq. To say I am proud of what these two have done would be a huge understatement.
So when last week I was emailed by by a gentleman from BeersNotBombs.com with the offer of a free bottle opener that is made from a decommissioned nuclear weapon I thought that it was an extremely cool idea. I graciously accepted and yesterday in the mail my Aviator version of the bottle opener arrived. I will definitely be using this and enjoying it.
So if are interested in a really cool bottle opener head over to BeersNotBombs.com and pick one up (they have shirts too).
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