Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes I am back! Well not exactly like a Phoenix I suppose. But I’ve been visibly absent from the site lately due to being on again off again sick for the past week. I’m still not 100% but I’m feeling considerably better than I was the past 3 days. And with that I have to get on here and start writing the news and reviews again and just in time.
Tonight at Coffee District in Delray Beach, FL is a Night with Terrapin Beer Co. Join the local sales rep Mike Wallace (99.8% sure he’s not the NASCAR driver and brother of Rusty Wallace) as they tap the latest Side Project brew Tom Foolery. They will also have Hop Karma, Rye Squared, Rye Pale Ale and Hopsecutioner on tap as well.
The festivities start at 7 pm and there is no cover. Just pay as you go. Have a chat with Mike and tell him how much you think that Terrapin should make the Dark Side again (or Gamma Ray but mostly Dark Side).
Depending how I feel later in the day I might stop by and say hello. Not going to be drinking as I’m trying to ditch this bug once and for all. But you should definitely go by for a pint or two.
Coffee District
325 NE 2nd Avenue #104
Delray Beach, FL 33444
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