Name – He’Brew Rejewvenator 2010
Country – United States
Type – Doppelbock
Appearance – Pours a mostly clear dark red color with a thin off white head.
Smell – Dark fruit really is the main scent. There is some faint malt character too.
Taste – You most certainly get the grapes in this but there are other dark fruit flavors in there as well. A malty bready presence comes out as well. There is a Belgian like yeast characteristic to it that really makes this seem more like the Dubbel half of the beer over the Doppelbock. As it warms up you get the alcohol as well.
This is He’Brew’s 2010 Rejewvenator and it is called the Year of the Grape. It also says it is part Doppelbock and part Dubbel. I definitely get more Dubbel character out of this thanks to the grape. I wasn’t sure what to think of this going in. I didn’t know if it was going to just taste like an alcoholic grape juice or what. But I was very happy when it tasted a lot like a traditional Belgian Dubbel. Who woulda thunk it? But I really enjoyed this effort at something different.
Overall Grade – B+
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