Name – Blue Fin Stout
Country – United States
Type – Irish Dry Stout
Appearance – Poured a deep black color with a big, bubbly light brown head.
Smell – Strange, funky smell that was like soap from it. Could pick up some roasted malts and chocolate in there but they are overpowered.
Taste – A very similar taste with that funkiness to it. Also extremely carbonated for a stout. There were hints of chocolate and coffee in there but this was very awkward.
Just to be sure about things I used a new glass for my second bottle to be sure that the first glass was not the cause of that funky soap smell and taste. Sure enough it was the same on the second go around. Plus I have used the glasses since then and nothing is wrong with any tastes on those things. I can’t help but feel this may have been a bad batch as soap really isn’t a normal quality of beer style. But until I get to try it again I can’t really mark this that high.
Overall Grade – D-
1 Comment
Looks good, but I guess that all it has going for it. That’s too bad. Shipyard is kind of hit or miss I think.
September 17, 2009 at 10:45 pm